Friday, 23 July 2010

Just a quick note typed from my brand new iPOd touch, the Internet has been really dodgy hence my sorry absence. The wifi, touchwood seems to be temporarily cooperating so I am taking the opportunity to let you know I'll be absent for yet another week as I hike into the Internet-less beyond. Worry not, I can never abandon you completely!

Monday, 19 July 2010


It would appear I am barely blogging at all. My personal dashboard, however, tells a very different story. Drafts and drafts, half written blog posts, a few downloaded photos framed by some bullet point notes. Waiting to be finished until they are no longer relevant.

My university application, too, all in draft form.

The assignment you see peaking between the lined paper and keyboard: still in theoretical form.

My summer plans: a vague outline, ready to shift at any moment.

Things are slowly crawling towards a close, but they are still unfinished. Tomorrow, the final year of my childhood begins.

And yet my future is still all in draft form.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

what a week

This past week has not treated me well. None of it has been life-changing, but in the midst of it I really do feel like the universe did not want things to go right for me. PMT probably played a part, but that doesn't make it any better; in fact, it probably makes being unable to catch a single bus on time all week even worse. Other contributing, but not mitigating, factors include: overwhelming heat, the tail-end of the year, and pre-birthday malaise.

Here is the week epitomised:

My two and half year old purse broke. I subsequently lost my lunch card, some coins, and nearly lost my keys.

I bought a new purse on Saturday, only to find out that it was £6 cheaper online, minus travelling pain and costs. Sunday and Monday weren't much better.

Still, I need to resolutely STOP feeling sorry for myself. So I should factor in the 10% student discount I received, and the postage costs if I had ordered the purse online, and then see that my purchase actually worked out 5 pence CHEAPER than the online option (which you can find here). And I have a fabulous purse, which not only doesn't have a broken zip; it has surplus zips!

Yes, I have had a bad week, but the next week is going to be fabulous. This time next week it will be my birthday! And there will be joy, and presents, and cake.

(to make my next week even better, vote for me here!)

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

taking a leaf

I find tooting my own horn pretty difficult to do at the best of times. So I really had to re-read some motivational posts from Wendy Brandes blog in which she shamelessly commands you to vote for her.

Vote for me!


If I win I get to go to Paris and if I go to Paris I'll buy you all an Eiffel tower keyring, or something.

Are bribes allowed? I doubt it. I was joking, by the way. It's not like I have your home address to send any bribes to, or any of your other personal details, like maybe your daily schedule. It's not like any misfortune would happen to befall you should you not vote.