Wednesday, 10 June 2009

history and queens

Right now, I should really be revising the history of some very important leaders.


I did all that last night, while Mary Queen of Charity Shops was on. I have loved Mary for a long time, and could watch her programmes just for her fabulous ensembles, even if her makeover plans can be somewhat dubious.

And today, I can no longer resist the temptation to leave the Kaisers and Tsars and revolutionary leaders. Queen Mary of fashion is a far more attractive prospect.

Have you ever seen Queen Mary's programmes? What do you think?


  1. My gosh, I've never even heard of her. Her program sounds right up my alley!

  2. Oh Sal, if only you could come over to the UK and watch it!

  3. I have never seen or heard of her. But, I love how she works that outfit.
    p.s. Thanks for catching my faulty apostrophe. This is why I need to be published so I can have an editor save me from myself.

  4. She's news to me, but I wish now that I'd seen her so I could share your feeling about her. She looks superb.
