Tuesday 5 May 2009

summer sleeping

It is always fun dressing up as a glamorous character in a film, but that is not often the most practical of ideas.

Sometimes, on the other hand, you come across something which would be completely perfect on you, in your life.

I've always found it difficult to sleep late in the mornings, which is incredibly frustrating when I have a rare bank holiday to catch up on some sleep and the sun is still waking me at 8ish.

It's always been one of my dreams to have a glam little sleep mask to hide the puffy eyes and keep the sun out.

Holly Golightly of Breakfast at Tiffany's has always been my favourite film style icon.

So how perfect is this??

Buy it here.


  1. If you wear those and start visiting prisoners and delivering the weather report we will know the transformation is complete.;-)

  2. Haha, in long evening gowns and big hats <3
