Sunday, 21 September 2008


Blogs are collections of words; on the website can create a colagge of the commenest words on your blog as of late. This is mine:

I really love it. I've always been unsure of what to make my blog's header because no picture seems to quite encapsulate it - it's fitting that only words will suffice. think I have finally found my header.


  1. Thank you! I like having a blog header although it is a little bit messy - will have to try and remedy that

  2. oh, i don't think it looks messy at all. and it's very beautiful! great idea for a banner really! :)

  3. Maybe you could photoshop it so that it becomes the faded background and your name "A pretty face" is across the front in curly black?

  4. I love that idea but sadly I don't have photoshop... I'll have a play with it this weekend though, see what I can come up with x
