Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Label Whore, Yes I Am

Most of my rantings and complaints are completely and utterly hypocritical. One thing I attempted to demonstrate in my Label Snob post is that if you like something, it shouldn't matter where it's from (as long as it's ethically made, affordably priced, of good quality etc etc etc). But you can never say that I've ever denied enjoying a gold ole bit of label whorery.

Imagine my delight when presented with this delightful shopping bag come Sunday morning. Glowing white, bright and labelerific.

The gift was fairly modest, but very much appreciated. You can see how quickly the paint was applied and dried on my delighted nails!

Now I fully appreciate that the level of pleasure I derived from the paper bag the present came in (still on my desk) is highly disproportionate. Does this make me a bad person? I don't think I care...


  1. Hey great blog. would u like to link?

  2. Very cool. I personally feel "don't look a gift horse in the mouth;" if it's free how can you not love it?

  3. If you like it, you like it! I think it looks great on you! Chanel has superb nail colors.

  4. Thank you for your sweet comment!

    oh and yeah on the gift!!!!
