Saturday, 5 December 2009

shopping in the dark

Today I had 50 minutes to myself in Covent Garden. It was dark, it was raining, I was alone.

First stop: M&S for an umbrella. I lost two umbrellas in one day a couple of weeks ago, and my beloved huge one was too broken to go any longer.

After that, what followed was possibly the best shopping I have ever done. I knew what I wanted to get, but there was also nobody else there to insist on going in here, and here, ooh and here to spend that gift card they still have, so I had time to enter whichever shop took my fancy too.

I came away with a christmas present, some lip balm and a lovely new jumper from a cute boutique called Red Rockin' Robin. Now on my wishlist is one of their gorgeous fake fur gilets. I'm going back, by myself.


  1. I nearly lost an umbrella that gorgeous blogger Sharon Rose gave me recently and ran back into a movie theater to get it. I treasure that umbrella!

  2. Oh boy, that sounds like a gratifying experience! I hope to hear about the fake fur gilet as soon as possible!

  3. Shopping alone is surprisingly satisfying...although sometimes I feel a bit doofish when entering the dressing room with a huge pile of stuff without a friend at my side.

  4. I'm all for shopping alone.... makes for clearer thoughts...1

  5. Ooops...that comment was by me by the way!
    Susie Bubble
